When psoriasis is diagnosed, the treatment of the disease must be started immediately, since psoriatic plaques can spread over the entire surface of the hair. Anti-psoriasis shampoos have proven to be quite effective in this matter, they improve the condition of the skin of the scalp, relieve inflammation and itching.
Operating principle
Those who have experienced psoriasis should understand thisIt will not be possible to eliminate the disease cosmetically, because the disease is associated with weakened immunity and retroviruses, which are inherited.The only thing we can do is fix the problem.

Let's guess what is psoriasis? This is a problem related to skin regeneration. Typically, peeling of the upper layers of the dermis occurs after a month, in the case of psoriasis, peeling of the skin occurs every 4-5 days. Thus, keratinized scales accumulate, forming psoriatic plaques, the surface of which somewhat resembles beeswax.One or more lesions may form on a person's head, and when the disease has progressed, the entire head is covered.
You don't need to see a dermatologist or trichologist to determine if you have psoriasis or dermatitis. Psoriatic papules almost always have a clear outline that turns pink or reddish in color.
Do not comb your hair too hard, otherwise it will not get rid of the flakes, but will only create wounds where bacteria can enter.
Exactlythanks to the effect of shampoos:
- skin regeneration improves;
- itching and pain disappear;
- the skin is softer and hydrated;
- it turns out to be mild exfoliation, so the keratinized scales peel off quickly;
- the affected areas are reduced and new psoriatic plaques are no longer formed;
- the function of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
- fungus and other microorganisms living on the scalp are removed.
Important!Ordinary shampoos sold in cosmetic stores do not have a strong effect on the dermis, and are therefore ineffective in the fight against the manifestations of psoriasis. You need to look for an effective remedy in the pharmacy - it is mainly sold without a prescription.

Advantages and disadvantages
Among the benefits of medicated shampoos, which aim to eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis, are the following:
- lightness and ease of use (using the products is practically no different from regular hair washing);
- it affects not only the skin, but also the structure of the hair;
- quite fast effect within 2 weeks (if you follow the instructions);
- prevents the formation of new papules;
- restoration of skin regeneration;
- cleaning the dermis from peeling.
Disadvantages of using shampoosare also significant. Many medicines can cause allergic reactions. It is rare to find products that are approved for pregnant, lactating mothers and children.
Outside,medicated cosmetics against psoriasis:
- not cheap;
- can cause hair to dry out;
- Not suitable for all scalps;
- often addictive.
You have to be extremely careful when using anti-psoriasis shampoos, because some of them contain strong substances,which can penetrate the dermis and then be absorbed into the blood. Shampoos based on antifungal substances and hormonal agents are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. People with severe liver and kidney disease should not use them.
All other medicinal suspensions should be tested for allergic reactions. To do this, simply apply a few drops of anti-psoriasis shampoo to the skin of your wrist or the inside of your elbow and leave it on for 10 minutes. Observe the reaction: in case of redness, swelling or itching, it is better to throw away the tested drug.
The use of funds is prohibited in certain cases:
- children;
- people with dermatitis;
- those who have ulcers in the places where the papules are localized;
- those suffering from syphilis and malignant skin tumors.
Application rules
Before using any shampoo to treat scalp psoriasis, read the instructions carefully, especially the method of application.
Usage tips:
- Shake some bottles before washing your hair.
- Most products are applied to wet hair. First, wash your hair to rid it of sebum, then dry your curls with a terry towel. When the curls are slightly damp, spread the psoriasis shampoo on the head.
- When using a healing suspension, try to apply the medicine mainly in places where the papules accumulate. Make sure to massage the scalp so that the product penetrates into the deeper layers of the epidermis. Distribute the active formula in the dermis with your fingertips, as you can scratch the irritated areas with your nails.
- Leave the shampoo on for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water. You can repeat the procedure using the selected medicated cosmetics, but no more than 2 times.
- During the treatment of psoriasis, shampoos are used 2-3 times a week for 14 days.After that, the number of approaches should be reduced - mainly once a week.
- It happens that the scalp gets used to the active ingredients in shampoos. This usually happens after two weeks. In this case, the medication should not be changed immediately. It is better to wait a week or two and then continue the therapy.
- It is recommended to get two shampoos: tar and medicinal. These must be alternated.
- After washing your hair, do not dry your hair with a hair dryer and also rinse your hair with potions.
Important point!If you suffer from psoriasis, it is not advisable to use permanent dyes. They can only aggravate the situation, provoking the appearance of a large number of psoriatic papules.
Shampoo Review
There is a whole list of shampoos that can eliminate papules.Their action vector is different:
- aimed at cleaning dead particles (based on tar, sulfur, salicylic acid);
- destruction of microorganisms, especially the fungus pitirosporum, staphylococci and streptococci (zinc-pyrithion, with the addition of antifungal substances);
- inflammation and pain relief (based on corticosteroids (hormones)), therefore they can only be used after consultation with a dermatologist and trichologist;
- baby shampoos used as prophylaxis between the main therapy.
So what you should wash your hair with psoriasis is up to you. But to assess the stage of psoriasis manifestations, it is better to seek help from a trichologist or dermatologist who will prescribe the optimal treatment.
An overview of the most effective drugs:
- Shampoo designed to disinfect the skin. It perfectly fights not only bacteria, but also fungi. The drug contains zinc pyrithione and many other useful components. The shampoo has practically no contraindications (they refer only to individual intolerance of the drug). Apply the product several times to wet hair. The first effect is achieved after 14 days of active use, 2-3 times a day. The cost is quite high.
- The key ingredient in this product is a hormone that is used to remove the dry crust that has formed and relieve the inflammatory process (redness and itching). It is advisable to use it for preventive purposes, since it does not remove the peeling, but only reduces the risk of worsening the disease. The product should be applied to a dry head and left for about 15 minutes. Best combined with exfoliating shampoo. Always be careful when using this shampoo. We cannot rule out the case when there was an improvement after the first two weeks, then the situation worsened, and the psoriasis appeared with double force.
- Product containing juniper tar. When applied to the scalp, the thick substance heals wounds caused by combing, kills fungus and relieves skin redness.
- Zinc pyrithione-based shampoo has proven quite positive in psoriasis. It not only removes bacteria, but also exfoliates dead skin cells at the same time. During a shampooing procedure, it is recommended to apply the product twice and then rinse it off. The price of the product is relatively low.
- Tar and salicylic shampoos. The first agent heals various wounds and relieves inflammation, and the second one dries, exfoliates and nourishes the skin, and improves the microcirculation of the skin. The price of the first product is slightly more expensive than the shampoo with added salicylic acid.
- One of the most effective remedies. Its main substance is a representative of the group of imidazoles, which effectively fights against fungi and any infection. In addition, cosmetics perfectly heal wounds and stabilize the sebaceous glands. If you feel a slight tingling sensation during the first use, do not stop the therapy. But if the burning sensation is severe, stop the medicine.
- There are two products in the range of shampoos designed to fight dandruff, psoriasis, lichen and seborrheic dermatitis: tar and zinc. The first drug cleans the scalp from peeling, improves the structure of the hair and stabilizes the production of sebum under the skin, the so-called sebum. The second is aimed at stabilizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands and fighting against microbes.
- The active ingredient of this cosmetic is selenium disulfide, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It also includes an infusion of burdock root and cinnamon alcohol. The medicinal formula of the drug normalizes cell division and promotes their correct renewal. In addition, after using the shampoo, your hair will have a beautiful shine.
- Perhaps one of the cheapest remedies that successfully eliminates redness and itching, as well as cleans the skin. The drug does not have an aggressive effect. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to birch tar.
- Antimycotic drug. Its most important components - imidazoles and a substance belonging to the zinc pyrithione group - are derived synthetically. According to user reviews, it helps to get rid of the dry crust on top of the papules.
You don't have to think that medicated cosmetics will immediately relieve the symptoms of psoriasis.It should take at least 2 weeks before you feel your skin improving.
Remember!Psoriasis is an incurable disease that can flare up again due to hormonal imbalance, stress or a weakened immune system.
And so,Shampoos for psoriasis of the scalp should be selected taking into account the condition of the skin and the degree of neglect of the disease.Medicinal cosmetics have various options: antifungal agents, zinc pyrithione, selenium disulfide, tar, salicylic acid, and corticosteroid (hormonal) medications.
Experts recommend choosing the shampoo according to the recommendations of the trichologist and dermatologist, as well as starting the treatment in time to prevent the papules from spreading.